jens masmann ]













1995 degree at Staatliche Fachakademie für Fotodesign München


1996-98 freelancing photographer in London


from 1998 freelancing photographer in Munich


2013 cofounder of artist's collective "million books"


2014-18 lecturer for photography at University for Applied Sciences Augsburg


2016 artist's residency in Lisbon with the "flaneur - new urban narratives" project, funded by EU and UNESCO


2017-18 lecturer for photography at University for Applied Sciences Munich


2018 lecture and workshop at London South Bank University


from 2019  guest-lectures at University for Applied Sciences Augsburg








1997 Reinhart-Wolf-Preis 1996, Kunstgewerbe-Museum Hamburg, group exhibition


1999 Claudia Stein, Büro für Fotografie Stuttgart, solo exhibition


1999 „photography now“, Büro für Fotografie in Berlin, group exhibition


2000 „Lehrjahre-Lichtjahre“, 148 photographersn from 100 years of Munich Photoschool, group exhibition at Stadtmuseum München, with catalogue published by Schirmer Mosel


2000 Galerie Marquardt, Munich, group exhibition


2001 „photography now - Plattform für neue Fotografie“, group show at Praterinsel Munich


2003 „street photography“, Hochhaus der Dresdner Bank, Galerie im 30. OG, Frankfurt am Main, group exhibition


2008 „Abgerissen“ Architektur Galerie München, group exhibition


2014 publications „other city“ und „lost & found“, presented at Vienna Photobook Festival


2015 publicationn „l nd n“, presented at Vienna Photobook Festival and at Polycopies Festival Paris


2016 „flâneur - new urban narratives“ exhibition in collaboration with Sonia Hamza, Praça Principe Real, Lisbon


2017 „Bilder der Überwachung“ group exhibition, Stadtmuseum Munich


2017 „flâneur - new urban narratives“, group exhibition at Format Festival Derby UK


2017 Polycopies Paris: presentation of the publication „Az.X/1613/80“


2018 „L ND N“, solo exhibition at Borough Road Gallery London


2018 contributor to Dead Darlings #10, anonymous art auction, Amsterdam


2019 Unseen Amsterdam, launch of "The Harvest"


2019 contributor to Dead Darlings #12


2021 Photographers' Gallery London,"Correspondance", virtual group exhibition


2021 "Cornucopia" shortlisted for the images Vevey book award


2021 Charta Festival Rome, "Mojo", group exhibition


2021 Polycopies Paris, launch of "Cornucopia"


2022 Athens Photo Festival, photobook "Cornucopia", group exhibition


2022 Singapore Photo Festival, photobook "Cornucopia", short list for the SIPF book award and group exhibition


2023 Deck Singapore travelling Photobook Showcase, Shanghai, Ningbo, Hong Kong, Seoul, Daegu, Taipei, group exhibition


2023 Pinakothek der Moderne Munich, 15th anniversary of "Der Greif", group exhibition


2024 Dog&Pony gallery and playground Munich, "romantic", solo exhibition


2024 PH Museum Days Bologna, group exhibition







Stadtmuseum München


Dresdner Bank collection, installation with 20 works


private collections


The Tate Photobook Collection, curated by Martin Parr


Fotomusum Winterthur photobook collection


Fotohof Salzburg photobook collection